7. Is there any advantage on using Norfolk Gig Guide for our bands site?

One of the best parts of adding your band and making your own site within The Norfolk Gig Guide is our search engine presence. If you start your own site it can take months to appear on search engines and then your success depends on how well you create your site. We already have pretty good results in most search engines ( Google, MSN, etc. ) and your page will start to appear in search engines probably within days, not months. We're also notching up an average of around 60,000 individual page hits per month which ain't bad!
The more bands we have on board, the bigger the site, the more interesting it all is to visitors and we all benefit. You can also put video and picture on your page, it's like having your own free personal website!

Last updated: 2015-05-09 00:00:00

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