How do I contact The Norfolk Gig Guide?

The Contact form is temporarily off-line.
Sorry, but the contact form has been removed due to abuse.
If you are experiencing any problems with using the site please check and double check what you are trying to do as 90% of any queries we have come down to user error. Things like typing the username in capitals when it should be lower-case letters, etc.
For any other problems please consult the 'Frequently Asked Questions' page and you'll probably find what you are looking for.
If cannot find an answer, feel free to leave your question on the 'Leave a Message' page and somebody (possibly me) will probably pick up on it and help you.
We apologise that I have had to disable this part of the site temporarily but the amount of emails I have been receiving is far more that I can deal with and the vast majority of them are unecessary. The Norfolk Gig Guide was created as a FREE service, not bogged down with any advertising, and which anybody can use to promote their band or venue FREE OF CHARGE. It has all the functionality built in to allow the website members to maintain all content for the simple reason that I don't have the time to, sorry.

Last updated: 2020-08-25 16:14:37

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