Norfolk Gig Guide is your guide to screamo gigs in east runton.

If you love screamo gigs, screamo bands and go to screamo venues in and around the east runton area and want to keep informed about the screamo scene for east runton then search through our pages and find what screamo music is playing at a venue near east runton.

If you play in a screamo band in the east runton, Norfolk area then why not register with Norfolk Gig Guide so other screamo enthusiasts can find out what you're up to and where your screamo band is playing.
If you have a screamo venue in the east runton, Norfolk then why not also register with Norfolk Gig Guide so screamo enthusiasts can find out what screamo bands are playing in east runton this week.

SELECT gigs.gig_ID, gigs.gig_date, gigs.gig_info, gigs.gig_status, gigs.gig_times, gigs.gig_band_id, gigs.gig_venue_id, gigs.gig_band, gigs.gig_venue, gigs.gig_adminID, (band_cats.cat_singular) AS band_cat, (venue_cats.cat_singular) AS venue_cat, (band.password_style) AS style, (venue.password_style) AS address, gig_address, gig_musicStyle, (band.password_fullTitle) AS band, (venue.password_fullTitle) AS venue FROM gigs INNER JOIN passwords AS band ON band.password_ID = gigs.gig_band_id INNER JOIN passwords AS venue ON venue.password_ID = gigs.gig_venue_id INNER JOIN categories AS band_cats ON band.password_status = band_cats.cat_id INNER JOIN categories AS venue_cats ON venue.password_status = venue_cats.cat_id WHERE gig_status <= 3 AND gig_status > 0 AND ( gig_venue LIKE '%east runton%' OR gig_info LIKE '%east runton%' OR gig_address LIKE '%east runton%') AND ( gig_band LIKE '%screamo%' OR gig_info LIKE '%screamo%' OR gig_musicStyle LIKE '%screamo%') ORDER BY gig_date, gig_times, RAND(SECOND(gig_entryDate)) ASC LIMIT 0, 40

Registering with Norfolk Gig Guide and using all the services is free, simple and instant so why not let the world know that screamo is thriving in east runton!!

screamo Gigs | east runton Gigs | Norfolk Gigs
All gigs on Norfolk Gig Guide are submitted by the bands and venues. Norfolk Gig Guide cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of the gigs.
© 2003 - 2024 Norfolk Gig Guide. Norfolk Gig Guide Gigs | Website Design by Wayne Beauchamp. | Norfolk Gig Guide Sitemap